The Entourage

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Cute Cupcake Stands For Sale/Rent!

Hey, girls!

I have something really nice to share today. Am helping a good friend of mine selling these really cute cupcake stands. Sangat kiut I tell you! These pretty cupcake stands are from UK uolls. Ada dua jenis, one is made of iron and another one is made of card board. Yang besi ada satu corak je and yang card board ada tiga corak, blue polkadots, pink polkadots and Union Jack pattern.

My friend ni dia based in UK, a bride-to-be juga (I'm so excited for you, bebeh!). Planned to get married next year. So, apa kata mari kita tolong dia penuhkan tabung kawen dia. :D

Cupcake stands ni sangatlah sesuai untuk korang guna letak kat candy buffet korang. So cute ler. Geram aku. Okay, tak nak cakap banyak, jum tengok gambar-gambar cupcake stands yang superly duperly comel ini!

Blue & Pink Polkadots Cupcake Stands RM27 Each

Union Jack Cupcake Stands RM25 Each

Iron Cupcake Stand RM60 Each
These two below are Hong Kong-made. Fiance is working there so I made him get these for me :p Price are the same but they consists of 3 sizes. Yup! 3 sizes. The 3-tiered, 4-tiered and 5-tiered. So sorry I didn't have the 5-tiered picture. The 5-tiered is price at RM80. Oh and these cuties are up for rent as well! :D
Iron Cupcake Stand (3-tiered) RM60 Each

Iron Cupcake Stand (4-tiered) RM70 Each

Iron Cupcake Stand (5-tiered) RM80 Each

So anybody interested with these cuties? Do email me asap ya! As usual, Let's go baking! :D


  1. grrr geram tgk
    sbb mmg duk carikk

    1. ekekek tuh laa i pun duk cari, tiba2 my fren cakap dia ada. so happy! :p nanti bagitau kawan2 u eh kot2 ada sesape yang nak ehehe..

  2. Nak!!!!!!!!!!!! Check email eh yeay! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Kan kan.. ekeke.. geram sangat i grab je semua one each. nak pakai bile tu tatau lagi, beli je dulu bule. ahahahaa pembaziran di sittewww.

  4. Replies
    1. ehehehe kan kan? so classic.. meh beli meh beli :DDD

  5. comel xreti nk buat kek...=P

    1. ekekek tak buat pun takpe, order je cupcake tu, pastu susun atas tu ehehehehehe

  6. u made my day cik zila hahahaha~ wanna buy a must !

    1. ekekkeke bule2 nanti email k nak bape! :D

  7. zila, u dah beli..pastu u sewa kan plak..hehehehe..yg no. 3 tu comel..murah gak kawan u jual

    1. ekekekeke plannya gitu laa.. tapi macam sayang pulak benda2 yang datang dari jauh ni ekeke

  8. zilaaaaaa....omg sooooo touched by your entry! i tgh dok kira2 lg about the price tu..nnt kite kena online meeting la babe! anyways,im sooooo touched! *virtual hugs* heehee...i blk msia a must to meet u up!!!! :D

    1. hahaha kita sama2 tolong menolong bride-to-be ok! ekekek.. ohh the price sebab postage eh? okok.. u confirmkan laa balik bila. nanti kita meet up, kita discuss btul2. awak balik raya ke tak neh?

    2. xtau lg..tiket mahall ya ampun!!! kenapa laa air asia x cancel london! cepat pi on balik route tu!!! babe!! i dh siap buat my pre wedding! u have to see it!!! :D tgk kt my new blog :P pastu komen okay.before i print..heehee

    3. tuh laaa i pun baru je plan nak honeymoon europe tau. isk.. stress sungguh. dorang plan nak on balik route europe around 2014. lama lagi laa kan.

      wahhh sudah ada blog! yeayyyy congrats! bule follow! sat i cekidout! :DDD

  9. Zila, nak iron stand tu! br pLan besok nak pusing 1 perak carik
    kLw order, pLg cepat Leh dapat bLe ek??

    1. hi orked! iron stand tu dah jadik mahal laa awak lepas postage. skang harga dia rm70. utk yg 3-tier rm65. still nak jugak ke awak?

    2. tu incl postage ker??
      pening kepale! nak cr yg jenis kaca tp xjumpe..kan best kLw dok KL..huhu =(

    3. orked, tu harga dah include postage dari UK. kalau orked dok luar kl, kena kira postage lagi laa.. kalau orked bule amik by hand, lahi murah. orked katne?

    4. perak..ceremony next week. skang br nk cr barang hantaran sket2.boLeh Lak cm2..huhu

      xpe La..xde rezki kot nak ade cake stand time hantaran tunang. tunggu kawen nnti La.iskk2..

    5. oh alaa jauh rupanya.. hehe ok.. takpe, sempatnya tuh.. buat slow2 k. tenangkan hati. nanti apa2 bagitau ye :)

  10. blue/pinik polka dot tu ade lagi ke?
    harga dah include postage ek? @ selangor je
    n ade color lain tak?

    1. hai.. sorry. as for now takde lagi laa. nanti kalau dah ada stok, i bagitau ye :)

  11. hai ada lg x....i nak dua-dua tu...

    1. Hai sorry.. yang ni takde stock lagi laa :( check back soon k :)

  12. Pink polka dot stand tu Ada lgi x?

  13. zila zainal,
    nak tanye..yang metal cupcake stand tuh for 4-tier & 5-tier ade lagi x?
    klu xde taw x mana nk cari stand ni ek?

  14. salam zila,

    metal stand for 4tier and 5tier tuh ade lg x?
    xtaw mn nk cr lg:(
    dh lm cr tuh...huhuhuhu


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