Oh my god.. I've found something realllllyyy nice today. Was browsing through the internet looking for nothing, tiba-tiba terjumpa this.
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Isn't it Lovely??? |
Cute sangat, kan? Aduhhh.. rasa macam nak buat tu je untuk doorgift reception nanti. Tapi of course it would be very costly. So cute but not cost efficient. Hmm.. kalau nak bagi door gift time nikah or tunang okay kot. Comel je, kan. Found this from My Baking Addiction. They're so murah hati to give the recipe as well. I definitely gonna try this. Kalau jadi, silap-silap aku buat untuk hantaran pulak hahaha.. (dah banyak sangat idea sampai tak tau nak bagi hantaran apa).
Another recipe I've got from My Cakies. Yang ni pun dia bagi recipe sekali. Very nice. Suka betul laa blog walk kat blog-blog yang amik gambar pakai camera best. Cantik je gambar dia. ekekeke..
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Love the Idea of the DIY Sticker tuu.. |
I like the idea of putting a plastic spoon together with the jar. Sebab kadang-kadang benda-benda baru macam ni akan buat orang tertanya-tanya.. apa benda ni? cake ke? hah.. dalam botol? apa letak cake dalam botol? macam mana nak makan ni? (biasanya orang-orang tua laa yang suka berbunyi camtu. Kadang-kadang diorang takleh nak terima benda-benda baru macam ni. Rasa macam takleh nak masuk akal letak cake dalam botol, ye tak? So, dengan adanya sudu itu, makan akan terkuranglah ayat-ayat serta pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berlegar di fikiran masing-masing. Ahaks!
Lagi satu gambar aku dapat dari my very favourite blog, Laura & Daddy. Tapi yang ni diorang tak ajar, diorang jual je. ekekekeke..
Price Unavailable Sebab Takut Nak Tanya :p |
Selain dari Red Velvet, banyak jugak kek-kek lain yang diorang letak dalam jar. Very cute, I tell you! Ada rainbow cake, chocolate cake macam-macam lagi. Creative laa diorang nih. Geraaaam~
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I'm Seeing Rainbow! |
Got that from Babble. No recipe as they're using the instant cake mix. Easier, I guess.. but not suitable untuk buat banyak-banyak.. sebab mahal hahaha.
Here's an entry from Tablespoon. They blog about how they baked the rainbow cake together for their rainbow themed party. Check out the pics! It was so awesome. Bestnya kalau dapat join buat kek tu dengan diorang :(
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Fluffy! |
Off The Meat Hook pun ada gambar yang ohsem jugak. Siap bagi tips-tips lagi untuk buat rainbow cake in a jar. Cute pulak tengok dia tulis sendiri sticker untuk letak kat jar lid tu hhehe..
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Agak-agaknya Jar yang Jual kat Mesia ni Tahan ke Panas nak Masuk Dalam Oven? : | |
Banyak lagi gambar aku nak share pasal cake in a jar, tapi dah malas nak copy paste gambar and link. Hehe.. Korang type je laa kat google images, confirm keluar banyak, then boelh pergi terus kat link gambar tu. Ada chocolate cake, ada strawberry cheese cake, ada red velvet nutella.. semuanya akan membuat anda kelaparan.
As for me, since aku dah biasa buat chocolate cake, aku rasa aku akan buat chocolate cake je laa kot. With peanut butter sauce in the middle and topped with chocolate ganache. Voila! So, takyah laa nak test-test apa lagi. Hehe. Oh one more thing, instead of jars, I'll be using the leftover mugs from abang's wedding as planned. Saving sket. Heheh..
Here's the ultimate link I wanted to share about 15 Dessert Recipes in a Jar. Enjoy! :DDD
alamak! tertengok entry ni di bulan puasa. terus tertelan air liur huhu.nice idea :) tapi mcm zila ckp agak costly kan..hihi
ReplyDeleteekekeke.. terkiur kan.. tuh laa cantik.. tapi costly ler.. kita penah jumpa rm10 per jar. haish.. kalau guest 1000 orang? aiyarkkk :(
Deletesalam .. nak tanya la , brapa utk order 1000qty
ReplyDeleteemail kat sy eyh .. azieazam87@gmail.com
saya tak jual :)