The usual detink-detink day with ene. We went to our usual spot, 1-Utama. Nothing much to look for.. just went jalan-jalan, accompanying each other.
Then, suddenly hunger strike. So straight we went to
Chili's since somebody already told me earlier dinner today will be his treat. Yeayy for that!
We got there around 7pm and the place was full. They made us wait till it was 7.30pm. Then they offered us to sit at the bar.. boleh laa as long as there is a chair to sit. I was kinda worn out from window shopping already by then.
Then, around 8pm, there was one table empty at the dining area. Apa lagi, i went and rushed to the table before anybody could sit there. pheeeww..
Here was what we ordered:
Lamb Chop |
ene's. The creamy sauce on top of the mashed potato was so nice. The lamb was marinated till it is just the right taste. And it was so tender.. we ended up swapping dish.. as usual.. I love you, ene =D
Lamb Shank |
This is mine. The lamb was tender as well. But not as super-tasty as the lamb chop. Therefore ene, thanks for finishing this for me. Love2!
Beef nachos |
This is a must-order item for him. He taught me to eat this. The first time I ate this, I almost fainted (dramatic, I know).